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Am I a psychopath?

This is not a proper post. I am simply informing all of you that a cohort of mine suggested that I had pscyhopathic tendencies. Out of curiosity, I took this quiz and scored a 22 which indicates "Strong pschopathic tendencies." I scoffed at the inaccuracy of the quiz (it took less than one minute) and immediately scoured the Internet for other sources. All of this has led me to the discovery that I am, in fact a psychopath. My previously comfortable self-diagnosis of sociopathism was shattered and I was left with the cold hard facts. It has taken me several days, but I have adjusted. Why am I sharing this on the Internet? Well, one of the beautiful parts of being a psychopath is that I feel no need to reach out and share my emotions with my fellow psychopaths. In fact, I am simply disgusted by common psychopaths and wish to have no affiliation with them. No, simply take this as a 'fun fact' about me. Like how one might bite their nails or call instead of texting. There are far worse things in life than being a psychopath.

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